

Me, the writer, the tea lover, drunk in poetry, accidently on photography, addict to xanxia.


  • Oneself

    Elara stood beneath the oak, its ancient branches a tangled network against the twilight sky. The wind whispered secrets through the leaves, a language she couldn’t decipher. It rustled the same way it rustled the tall grass fringing the endless road that snaked its way out of sight. The road held a promise of destinations,…

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  • The Double-Edged Sword: How EMRs Revolutionized Patient Care (At a Cost)

    Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) have become a cornerstone of modern healthcare. They’ve transformed the way doctors and nurses manage patients, offering a wealth of benefits. But let’s be honest, the transition wasn’t always smooth sailing. The Power of EMRs Imagine a world where a patient’s entire medical history is readily available at the click of…

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  • Denying the Falsehood

    In the whispering dunes of the Great Sand Sea, lived Anya, a young woman with eyes the color of desert sunsets. Anya’s tribe valued possessions, their tents overflowing with silks and trinkets. Yet, a nagging emptiness gnawed at Anya. Why did happiness seem to elude them, even amidst such abundance? One day, a wizened nomad…

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  • Illusion of Future

    Elara was not just any ordinary woman; she was a wisp of a figure, perpetually shrouded in an air of distracted anticipation. Her eyes, the captivating color of twilight, seemed to perpetually scan past the immediate, forever fixed on the horizon. Even in the boisterous marketplace, crowded with vendors hawking their wares and eager buyers…

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  • Color of the Wind

    Elara wasn’t one for human company. She found solace not in whispered secrets or shared laughter, but in the ever-changing symphony of the weather. It was a language far more profound, a tapestry woven with wind, rain, and sun. Under the grey sky, the world softened, mirroring her internal storm. The atmosphere was saturated with…

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  • The Student as well the Teacher

    Maya, a wisp of a girl with eyes full of fire, knelt before the weathered Teacher Oak. Each gnarled branch held a lesson – the patience of rings, the resilience of weathering storms. The Teacher Oak nurtured her curiosity, teaching her the language of the wind, the secrets whispered by leaves. Under its canopy, she…

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